Basic Life Support and CPR
Basic Life Support courses are very popular in the US, with the recent disasters that have claimed thousands of lives all over the country. They teach trainees how to give a very important lifesaving skill – cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR uses chest compressions to try and restore the spontaneous circulation of blood in the body during cardiac arrest. Compressions manually pump the heart to send blood to the body’s organs when the heart isn’t beating while reescue breaths oxygenate blood,. This is why these two skills are used adjunct with each other, with a 30:2 ratio. Chest compressions are always started first (30 compressions) followed by rescue breaths (2 breaths). We have three programs under the Basic Life Support category:
- Heartsaver (CPR and AED training) – The basic Heartsaver course is either 4 and 4.5 hours long and tailored for the general public and healthcare providers respectively. Heartsaver training is basic CPR, teaching trainees how to give chest compressions and rescue breaths in an unorganized or non-healthcare environment. First aid part of both Heartsaver courses, teaching trainees how to manage minor injuries such as burns and cuts.
- Basic Life Support for HCPs – Basic Life Support is a program for healthcare providers, teaching more advanced topics to people who are familiar or are working in allied health. Unlike the Heartsaver programs that teach one-person rescue, BLS for HCPS teaches both one and two-person rescue. First aid and defibrillation are still part of BLS training.
Signing up for a BLS course
You can enrol in any of our programs online. There are application forms on all the provider websites that you can fill out at any time of the day. You can also enrol via e-mail or telephone call. If you plan on calling or visiting the location in person, be sure to do so during regular business hours. We will be glad to help you with whatever query you may have. Our providers are located in:
- Los Angeles and San Francisco, California
- Honolulu, Hawaii
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Portland, Oregon
- Seattle, Washington
Renewal of credentials
Certificates we award trainees with are valid for 24 months before they have to be renewed. We offer re-certification classes for three of our programs. Re-certification classes are short, taking a single-session, between four to eight hours depending on the certificate you have to renew. You can get certified for the following classes:
- Basic Life Support for HCPs – 4 hours
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support – 5 to 6 hours
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support – 6 hours and 20 minutes / 8 hours and 20 minutes
Please remember to enrol in a re-certification class before your credential expires. We do not qualify rescuers who have expired certification to sign up for re-certification. You would have to take the training program again.