Do you understand that there are a lot of medical emergencies that can happen in your office that need an emergency disaster kit? Some of the emergencies that may occur include cardiac arrest, fall, choking and others. This means that you should always be prepared to tackle such kind of emergencies at all times. You need to have an office emergency disaster kit that can help you in the process. The most important function of your desk drawer emergency supply kit is to help you deal with an emergency and its effects. You will need to consider the gear provided by your employer and supplement it with your own personal supplies. A quick walk in many offices will reveal the location of emergency equipments such as water cooler bottles, first aid kits, AED and fire extinguishers.
Emergency disaster kit components
An emergency disaster kit should have basic first aid and hygiene items. These items are necessary in dealing with small emergencies that may occur in the workplace. Such items include hand lotion, hand sanitizer, chapstick, band aids, sanitary wipes, multi-antibiotic ointment and others. The items should be able to cope with minor first aid needs arising from a medical emergency.
Considerations as you equip the disaster kit
As you organize your emergency disaster kit, you must consider all the threats faced in the office. If your area is prone to earthquakes you will need to have items that will help you escape in case such a disaster occurs. Medical emergencies such as cardiac arrest may occur at any time while you are in the office. This calls for a need to have an AED that will help save the life of the victim. Ensure that in your office or workplace, there is someone who knows how to use AED or conduct CPR in case of such emergencies. Falls that cause fractures occur as a result of slippery floor and others. Thus, you need to have a sling and ice cubes that help deal with a fracture before emergency health care is provided.
The most important thing is to think of scenarios that may occur in the office and prepare an emergency disaster kit according to the needs. When it comes to survival, you need to think of the worst scenario that can occur as you organize our kit. Do not ignore even the minor injuries that can occur such as burn or cuts because they may have severe effects to the overall performance of the workplace. Thus, your emergency disaster kit must be equipped with simple items to deal with such minor emergencies.