If someone falls unconscious in front of you would you know what to do? What if a child or infant started choking, would you know how to react and when to call 911? If someone was unconscious with a fully obstructed airway would you be able to save the life? Learn to recognize and manage these skill when you register for CPR training courses in Lethbridge with an OH&S approved provider.
Click Here to Register for CPR Training Courses in Lethbridge!
Who Are the Major Providers of CPR Training Courses in Lethbridge?
There are only a few providers of first aid and CPR courses in Lethbridge and they are:
- Nosh Safety
- Safety Simplified
- St. Johns Ambulance
- Red Cross
- St. Mark James Training through Lethbridge First Aid
- Gateway Safety Services
However, not all of these providers offer stand-alone CPR courses which include courses such as Basic Life Support (BLS), Level “A” and “C”. Out of the list above only St Mark James Training / Lethbridge First Aid and St. Johns Ambulance offer stand-alone CPR courses. Of those two St Mark James Training / Lethbridge First Aid is by far the cheapest.
What is the Difference Between Lifesaving Society, St. Mark James Training, Red Cross and St. Johns Ambulance CPR Courses?
When comparing the above mentioned first aid and CPR providers in the eyes of Alberta OH&S there isn’t any difference. They all offer OH&S approved certificates to individuals that complete basic, intermediate and advanced first aid courses.
Can I Get My CPR Certificate Online?
Yes, you can get CPR certification online. However, it will likely not meet workplace or academic requirements as most accredited providers demand that students get tested on skills as well as knowledge. When testing skills, participants must be taught and graded on those skills which can not be done online.
When Do I Get My CPR Certificate?
The answer to this question varies depending on who you get your CPR certification from. St Mark James Training through Lethbridge First Aid provides certification immediately upon successful completion of the course. The Red Cross and Lifesaving Society send out final certificates by mail to successful students.
Did You Know?
Heatstroke: common signs and symptoms
- Hot, dry skin
- Fast pulse
- Rapid, shallow breathing
- High or low blood pressure
- Increased to absence of sweating
- Irritability
- Confusion and changes in level of consciousness
- Headache, dizziness, nausea
- Fainting – usually the first sign in adults
Learn about this and many more topics by registering for first aid and CPR training courses in Lethbridge today!
I would like information on taking a cpr class in lethbridge, dates, fees etc. I am interested in opening my own day home, and I would like to have cpr certification before I do so.
Good day robyn,
Classes will start in the Summer of 2014. Check our pages in the upcoming months for a schedule. Visit the Red Cross website in the meantime to find a provider near you.
Thank you.